About Me

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Wife and mom of two. Doing my best to raise thoughtful, happy kids in a cozy, serene home. I love J. Crew, peonies, living on the coast, all things woven, wood, white & slipcovered. A definite optimist and bit of a minimalist. My personal style and home reflect my super casual lifestyle.

15 October, 2009


It's raining and very chilly here on Cape Cod today. These are the days that kick my nesting instinct into full force. The kids are "camping" in the living room....I have candles burning....padding around in fleece socks....nowhere to be. Love it.

Making my home cozy for the coming weather has trumped fashion for now....I have been spending more time decorating, decluttering and re-arranging and less time stalking J. Crew and Anthro. :) Of course.....new the new rollout at JC didn't go unnoticed...

We haven't taken the kids apple picking yet and hope to find the time but these apple blossoms from Trader Joe's ROCK as an alternative to fresh apple pie. What's not to love about warm apples and cinnamon in a warm flaky crust??? YUM. (In the frozen section.)

And finally, thanks to Kathy and Seashell over at Two Hands Full of Daisies for the "Let's be friends" award. I really enjoy your blog girls!! xoxoxo

Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.”


  1. Nesting...sounds like a great idea for days like today.

  2. I did not know that you lived on the Cape, too! Well, you are doing the same thing as I, settling in on these horrible days. I even turned the heat on, which I do not like to do until totally forced by the family. I sound just like my Mom, just put a sweater (jacket, blanket) on! I think Tuesday will be the next nice day.
