About Me

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Wife and mom of two. Doing my best to raise thoughtful, happy kids in a cozy, serene home. I love J. Crew, peonies, living on the coast, all things woven, wood, white & slipcovered. A definite optimist and bit of a minimalist. My personal style and home reflect my super casual lifestyle.

17 September, 2009

Autumn in New England

This is my favorite time of year! Sweaters with boots, apple picking and pumpkin carving with my kids. *sigh* I love to change out my hanging baskets to bright yellow and orange mums.

Speaking of sweaters...we were, right? J. Crew had a small rollout online and I have a couple of things on my wishlist:

Short roadster boots....you WILL be mine! I have been on the fence about the Maya Cardi but it is now on sale! And the Constellation Cardi....*swoon!!*


  1. Cute blog! As you know, I am in NE too and there is nothing like it! The weather is perfect this time of year and sweaters, sweaters, sweaters! I do love those boots you chose and the shimmery cardigan should be arriving next week. I will let you know how it is. Looks just like a Jackie with sparkles. I know everyone likes the maya but I just don't like the folds, I do not need that around my stomach area.

  2. I love sweaters in the fall - they always feel so much fresher than in March after wearing them for 6 months!! And that crispness in the air...yum! (I'm in MD, so we have our autumn, it's just a wee bit later than you.)
