About Me

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Wife and mom of two. Doing my best to raise thoughtful, happy kids in a cozy, serene home. I love J. Crew, peonies, living on the coast, all things woven, wood, white & slipcovered. A definite optimist and bit of a minimalist. My personal style and home reflect my super casual lifestyle.

24 September, 2009

Lemon Love

There are not many products I can't live without....with one exception. Burts Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream. I have these little tins everywhere. It was worked miracles on my cuticles...and my lips, too! It is all natural and smells amazing. The price is great, too..about $6 at CVS. If you see a crazy person walking around the shore sniffing her cuticles...please stop by and say hello, i'm friendly!


  1. I have this in my nightstand drawer. It just smells so good. And it works!

  2. I have tried this before - it smells lovely! Good JCrew picks too by the way!

  3. I have some of this somewhere...must find and start using, esp with fall dry air on the way...

  4. I'll have to check this out. I stopped by from Kathy's Daisy blog. Nice to meet you.
