About Me

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Wife and mom of two. Doing my best to raise thoughtful, happy kids in a cozy, serene home. I love J. Crew, peonies, living on the coast, all things woven, wood, white & slipcovered. A definite optimist and bit of a minimalist. My personal style and home reflect my super casual lifestyle.

20 September, 2009

Personal Style

I live an uber-casual lifestyle here on the coast. Three days a week I pop on scrubs and work in a dental office . On the other days I try to focus on polished kid-friendly clothes that still look pretty. So began my love affair with J. Crew. My closet is filled with soft cardis, tanks and jeans. I definitely love my neutrals.....trying to branch out to more color but I always gravitate back to white, taupe, grey, navy, denim and black. My current project is editing...if I own it I want to love it!

On that note...a few more wishlist items from J. Crew:

What is not to love about a black satin trim tee..on sale, too!?
$29.50 Item 18110

Mini patent Campo
$228 Item 19571
If J. Crew made this in black it would already be mine...

Jaspe zip-front hoodie
$55 Item 20260
Great price point...perfect for watching the Patriots on Sunday!

I did purchase the Guava Maya and now I want the black!
$88 Item 17854


  1. I felt the same way about the small campo! I just need a black bag. If I am going to spend on a bag, its not going to be purple. Nice picks! I should be getting the jaspe zip this week and I will let you know how it is.

  2. I do love the Campos...so pretty. I am totally with you on the style - polished, kid-friendly, neutral. :) I am trying very hard to do the editing thing. I suspect...well actually, I know but am trying to ignore it...that I am due for another major closet clean out. Well, I'll add it to the list...

    And I love your blog! Just hopped over from Kathy's.
